How the unforgivable sin helps us understand Hebrews 6
Two questions Christians have wrestled with over the years are, does Hebrews 6 teach we can lose our salvation, and can we commit the unforgivable sin? The answers are related.

The comfort and peace of applying theology to real life
Big words like propitiation and atonement are theological book words that aren’t relevant to the struggles of real life. Ever think that? Here’s how those doctrines make a huge difference in your life.

God still does miracles: An incredible story of survival
An amazing story of survival after falling down a steep, rocky cliff. There’s no other way to explain it but an act of God.

The absolute, universal, inevitable corruption of power
The axiom "power corrupts" has been fulfilled throughout Scripture and history, even in God’s people. Why, then, do Christians still crave the world's power, when we have an infinitely and eternally superior power working through us?

‘On earth as it is in heaven’ does not mean healing now
Some Christians believe that “on earth as it is in heaven” means we should be healed now, since there’s no sickness in heaven. What the Bible says about our bodies on earth obliterates that idea.

Why Jesus went to the cross, according to the Bible
People give various reasons for why Jesus died on the cross, reflecting many different theologies and worldviews. But the Bible tells us many times over why He was crucified.

Why God no longer works through nation-states
One of the more stark differences we see from the Old Testament to the New is that God stopped advancing His people through the political power and force of earthly nations. Why do we still seek that, then?

Biblical truths that led me out of the charismatic movement
Are you confused by preachers and churches that are always talking about healing, prophecies, God’s presence, signs and wonders? I was, and here’s how God led me out of that through His living and powerful word.

Christian, you don’t need more faith to be healed
Have you been praying for a healing only to be told you need more faith? Here’s a comprehensive Biblical case proving that’s not true. Jesus doesn’t need anything to heal us.

Many of us don’t get the way that Jesus gets us
Yes, Jesus gets us, as the ad campaign says. But does it get the way He gets us? If we think that means He affirms us, then we don’t get Him.

Yes, Joe Biden’s presidency is the will of God
The Speaker of the House recently said that Joe Biden’s presidency is God’s will. That claim is shocking to a lot of Christians, but in light of multiple Biblical examples of God raising up wicked rulers, it shouldn’t be.

The differences between politics and Christianity
Many Christians are obsessed with politics, which is strange and disheartening, since politics and Christianity are such starkly different realms.

Why do we want another David? He was a failure
Some Christians defend a certain politician by saying “King David was a sinner, too!” But David's sins had disastrous consequences not just for him, but for his nation. We shouldn't want another David, and we don't need another David.

Be careful when singing Old Testament lyrics
When Christians sing lyrics like “Ask of Me and I will give you the nations” or “Here am I, send me,” we think they’re about evangelism. But we’re actually singing Scriptures that are about God’s wrath.

God blessing us shows how worthy He is, not us
Whether it’s about Mary or ourselves, many Christians think being blessed means we should exalt the blessed person. But that’s the opposite of what Mary said in response to her blessing.

America, Moses, and the Red Sea: Hijacking the OT
House Speaker Mike Johnson said God wants him to be a “Moses” who will lead America through “a Red Sea moment.” Do we really want that, considering what happened after the Red Sea?

Do we come to Jesus as we are, or do we repent? Yes
It’s true that we can’t clean ourselves up before we come to Jesus, but some say salvation necessitates no change at all. A look at what repentance means.

Which Jesus do you believe in? Take this quiz
Any Christian would say they believe in Jesus. But here's a quiz that could determine whether it's really Jesus you believe in. How many things can people get wrong about you before it's not you anymore?

Nothing on earth makes the Bible come alive
Do you cringe when you hear someone say something makes the Bible “come alive”? Like a film, location or experience? You should. Nothing can make the Bible come alive, because it’s already alive.

How one church seeks seekers: ‘You’re just right for Jesus!’
A seeker-friendly church reaches out with the affirming message that you’re "just right for Jesus." That's true, but in a way that may be just the opposite of how people hear it.