
My name is Keith Kraska. I’m an elder at Calvary Chapel Twin Tiers in Elmira, New York.

I started Living and Powerful as a ministry for Christians like me, who have gone to churches and been exposed to teachings that put forth ideas that I’ve struggled with, because I didn’t see them taught in the Bible the way I heard them taught.

These ideas are promulgated in what’s called the charismatic movement. Think speaking in tongues, healing, prophecy, being “slain in the spirit,” etc. Think Bethel, Todd White and Kenneth Copeland. Perhaps you’ve heard the term New Apostolic Reformation.

I also want to engage the popular, “seeker friendly” megachurch movement; think Joel Osteen, Steven Furtick and Mike Todd.

It’s not my focus to personally attack those people, but to examine what they teach and show that the Bible often teaches something different. That’s why I left the charismatic movement: I searched the Scriptures to see if those things were so (Acts 17:11) and found that they weren’t.

I want to encourage Christians who may be confused and harmed by their teachings, and point them to the glorious truths in the Bible that changed my life. I want to help others seek the face and heart of God through the power of His word.

What I believe

I’ve found that many “statements of faith” sometimes don’t reflect what a church really believes, so I’ll just briefly give you a rough idea of where I’m coming from.

I’m a “five solas” guy: Salvation by God’s grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone, to the glory of God alone.

Doctrinally, I’m not a cessationist, but I believe any spiritual gift or manifestion must be taught and practiced as they were in the Bible.