Which Jesus do you believe in? Take this quiz

1. Was Jesus born again, in any way?

2. Did Jesus do what he did as only a man in right relationship with God, not as God? (Not, is Jesus God?)

3. Can we be equal to Christ in power and authority?

4. Are we an incarnation of God, in any way?

5. Can we speak or manifest things into existence?

6. Can we activate, unlock, release, or permit God? Is his ability dependent on our faith and/or words in any way? (Not, does God respond to our faith?)

7. Is it always God’s will for us to be physically healed in this life, and the only thing stopping that is a failure on our part?

8. Is the gospel powerless without signs and wonders?

9. Can we practice any mystical phenomena that’s not taught or practiced in the Bible?

10. Can a genuine prophet give a wrong prophecy?

11. Is God giving new, extrabiblical revelation today, including new, divinely inspired Bible versions?

12. Is it divisive to publicly dispute others on these issues? Is unity more important than these issues?

If you answered “yes” to many of these questions, or if you don’t agree with them but have no issue with those who do, that leads to this question:

How many serious, dangerous errors must one believe (or tolerate) before it’s worth questioning whether the Jesus they believe in is the Jesus of the Bible? Or, as long as we love Jesus, does it not matter what we believe about him?

How many things can someone get horribly wrong about you before you say, “That's not me”?


Do we come to Jesus as we are, or do we repent? Yes


Nothing on earth makes the Bible come alive