‘Salt and light’ is about holiness, not preservation
Some Christians interpret Jesus’ teaching on salt and light in Matthew 5 to mean preserving traditional values in society. But His own words show that He’s actually talking about His followers’ holiness.

How I discovered God’s will for my life
Have you ever struggled to discern God’s will over an important decision you needed to make? Here’s what the author learned about how the Lord guides us in matters that aren’t specifically addressed in the Bible.

‘Christian’ is a noun, not an adjective. Why that matters
The word Christian is often used today as a modifier, as in Christian music or Christian nation. But since the Bible doesn’t use the word that way, we can get into murky territory when trying to define those things.

But look at the good things King Saul is doing
The king kept delivering win after win for his nation and his people, but he was disqualified for a personal failing. Here’s reaction from one of his angry supporters.

The church’s biggest threats are on the inside
Most Christians put up their defenses against attacks and persecution from enemies in the world, but overwhelmingly, the Lord tells us in His word to be more on guard against corruption from within.

The prodigal son teaches us how not to repent
Some take Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son as a model of Christian repentance, but it’s not. Our focus should be on the father’s unconditional love, grace, mercy and joy in unilaterally restoring his son.

Christian, you are a gift from the Father to the Son
One of the most wonderful truths of the Bible is that Christian believers are a gift from God the Father to Jesus, who treasures that gift so much that He keeps it for all eternity. Read about this astounding love in John 6.

Yes, God is in control – of everything. Here’s how
If God is all-loving, how can He be all-powerful? Some try to answer that by saying God is not in control. Is that true? It depends on what you mean by control. Here’s what the Bible says.

Jeroboam: The popular but evil leader raised up by God
Here’s the story of a national leader, chosen by God and the people, who liberated them from an oppressive tyrant and gave them freedom to worship. But the Bible casts Jeroboam as the most evil king Israel ever had.

Jesus punched right, and so should Christians
Most Christians’ political and cultural outrage is directed toward the other tribe – leftists and Democrats. But the Bible consistently teaches us that we should punch first and hardest in the other direction – ourselves.

How Christ’s birth gets around God’s curse
A Christmas conundrum: How can Jesus be the promised Seed of David and Heir of his kingdom when God permanently cut off David’s royal line at Jeconiah? The Lord’s creative and wonderful solution: the virgin birth.

How ‘Peace on earth’ distorts the meaning of Christmas
The ubiquitous Christmas phrase “Peace on earth” may be derived from Scripture, but it’s a difference in wording that’s significant enough to obscure the good tidings of great joy that the angels proclaimed the night Jesus was born.

Why most nativity scenes and movies are probably wrong
Was it really an “inn”? This may be nitpicking, but a study of the Scriptures shows that the birth of Christ might not have happened the way it’s depicted in most traditions, nativity sets, plays, and movies.

Why I changed my mind and celebrate Christmas
Some Christians say we shouldn’t celebrate Christmas because its origins and traditions are pagan. I used to think that way, but not anymore; here’s what changed my mind.

When you pray, don’t claim, decree or declare; just ask
Some Christians believe that when we want something, we can “claim,” “declare” or “decree” our desired outcomes. But overwhelmingly, the Bible teaches us to ask God like children ask their father.

Fear. Hell. Hate. Division. The hard sayings of Jesus
In a four-chapter stretch in Luke, Jesus says several things that would shock the “winsome” sensibilities of those who think Christians should try not to offend anyone in order to attract as many people as possible. Was He being unwise, religious and divisive?

Are everybody’s sins already forgiven? Why people go to hell
One issue in the debate over the extent of the atonement is the question of why unbelievers go to hell. Is it the penalty for our sins, or are everybody’s sins already forgiven and we can still refuse eternal life? The Bible seems to land pretty hard on one of those options.

When God’s people wanted a strongman to fight for them
There was a time when God’s people wanted a strongman to fight for them, and for their country to be great like the other nations of the world. God was not pleased with their desire for power.

An election opus: The thinking behind this Christian’s vote
Here are several Biblical, moral, and political reasons for Christians to vote for neither Donald Trump nor Kamala Harris. Our holiness and the integrity of our witness are at stake, and those are more important than any issue.

Church and nation: A guide to Christian political theology
A compilation of articles that discuss various Biblical and spiritual principles that should govern how Christians think about power, politics, government, winning, and the place of nations in God’s plans.