The differences between politics and Christianity

The chief aim of politics is winning at all cost.

The chief aim of Christianity is glorifying God and spreading the Gospel.


In politics, the ends justify the means.

In Christianity, only God justifies anything.


Politics demands self-promotion.

Christianity demands self-denial.


In politics, you demean your opponents.

In Christianity, you love your enemies.


Politics elevates man as sovereign.

Christianity worships God as sovereign.


Politics shapes views according to which sides they favor and disfavor.

Christianity shapes views according to the Word of God.


Politics is partial.

Christianity is impartial.


Politics breeds hypocrisy.

Christianity abhors hypocrisy.


Politics spins.

Christianity tells the truth.


Politics tells people what they want to hear.

Christianity speaks what God says to speak.


Politics means winning elections.

Christianity means winning souls.


Politics is about the nation.

Christianity is about the Kingdom.

See also:


Yes, Joe Biden’s presidency is the will of God


Why do we want another David? He was a failure