Why God no longer works through nation-states
Keith Kraska Keith Kraska

Why God no longer works through nation-states

One of the more stark differences we see from the Old Testament to the New is that God stopped advancing His people through the political power and force of earthly nations. Why do we still seek that, then?

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Yes, Joe Biden’s presidency is the will of God
Keith Kraska Keith Kraska

Yes, Joe Biden’s presidency is the will of God

The Speaker of the House recently said that Joe Biden’s presidency is God’s will. That claim is shocking to a lot of Christians, but in light of multiple Biblical examples of God raising up wicked rulers, it shouldn’t be.

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Why do we want another David? He was a failure
Keith Kraska Keith Kraska

Why do we want another David? He was a failure

Some Christians defend a certain politician by saying “King David was a sinner, too!” But David's sins had disastrous consequences not just for him, but for his nation. We shouldn't want another David, and we don't need another David.

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Be careful when singing Old Testament lyrics
Keith Kraska Keith Kraska

Be careful when singing Old Testament lyrics

When Christians sing lyrics like “Ask of Me and I will give you the nations” or “Here am I, send me,” we think they’re about evangelism. But we’re actually singing Scriptures that are about God’s wrath.

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God blessing us shows how worthy He is, not us
Keith Kraska Keith Kraska

God blessing us shows how worthy He is, not us

Whether it’s about Mary or ourselves, many Christians think being blessed means we should exalt the blessed person. But that’s the opposite of what Mary said in response to her blessing.

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Which Jesus do you believe in? Take this quiz
Keith Kraska Keith Kraska

Which Jesus do you believe in? Take this quiz

Any Christian would say they believe in Jesus. But here's a quiz that could determine whether it's really Jesus you believe in. How many things can people get wrong about you before it's not you anymore?

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Nothing on earth makes the Bible come alive
Keith Kraska Keith Kraska

Nothing on earth makes the Bible come alive

Do you cringe when you hear someone say something makes the Bible “come alive”? Like a film, location or experience? You should. Nothing can make the Bible come alive, because it’s already alive.

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The Holy Spirit isn’t always spontaneous
Keith Kraska Keith Kraska

The Holy Spirit isn’t always spontaneous

How often have you been in a church service where the preacher says, “We were going to do this, but the Holy Spirit is moving and we’re doing something different.” That begs the question, why didn’t He move during the planning? Why must He always be spontaneous?

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What we can learn from the Philistines capturing the ark
Keith Kraska Keith Kraska

What we can learn from the Philistines capturing the ark

The Israelites lost the ark to the Philistines in 1 Samuel 4 after they went beyond God’s word, had no regard for holiness, limited God’s presence to a certain location, and decreed and declared. Any of that sound familiar today?

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The sufferings of faith
Keith Kraska Keith Kraska

The sufferings of faith

Many Christians associate the word “faith” with health and prosperity. But Hebrews 11 associates it with torment, affliction, destitution and death – but still under the favor of God.

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Holiness is more important to God than victory
Keith Kraska Keith Kraska

Holiness is more important to God than victory

The way some Christians talk, you’d think the highest priority for the church is defeating our political and cultural enemies. Winning. Let’s search the Scriptures to see what God’s priority is.

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