The church’s biggest threats are on the inside
Most Christians put up their defenses against attacks and persecution from enemies in the world, but overwhelmingly, the Lord tells us in His word to be more on guard against corruption from within.

The differences between politics and Christianity
Many Christians are obsessed with politics, which is strange and disheartening, since politics and Christianity are such starkly different realms.

God blessing us shows how worthy He is, not us
Whether it’s about Mary or ourselves, many Christians think being blessed means we should exalt the blessed person. But that’s the opposite of what Mary said in response to her blessing.

Do we come to Jesus as we are, or do we repent? Yes
It’s true that we can’t clean ourselves up before we come to Jesus, but some say salvation necessitates no change at all. A look at what repentance means.

Which Jesus do you believe in? Take this quiz
Any Christian would say they believe in Jesus. But here's a quiz that could determine whether it's really Jesus you believe in. How many things can people get wrong about you before it's not you anymore?

The weak, helpless, puny god of Bethel’s ‘Physics of Heaven’
The New Age movement has stolen God’s creative power, and we need to take it back. So says “The Physics of Heaven.” Who would worship such a weak, pitiful god?

Christians, don’t call only some people evil
There’s a time for Christians to call out sin and evil, but it’s critical that we do it with love, gentleness and the right theology.

Is healing ‘the children’s bread’? No
One of the proof-texts cited by those who claim that God wants all Christians physically healed now is the "children's bread" passage about Jesus and the Syro-Phoenician woman. But an examination of that story shows it doesn't mean that at all.