Jesus punched right, and so should Christians
Most Christians’ political and cultural outrage is directed toward the other tribe – leftists and Democrats. But the Bible consistently teaches us that we should punch first and hardest in the other direction – ourselves.

When God’s people wanted a strongman to fight for them
There was a time when God’s people wanted a strongman to fight for them, and for their country to be great like the other nations of the world. God was not pleased with their desire for power.

Church and nation: A guide to Christian political theology
A compilation of articles that discuss various Biblical and spiritual principles that should govern how Christians think about power, politics, government, winning, and the place of nations in God’s plans.

Winning in the Bible: God defines it differently than us
Some Christians use the word "winning" a lot, often in a political or cultural context. But in the Bible, victory often doesn't look like what we think it does.

Why partiality may be the most pervasive sin among Christians
Whether it’s related to politics, celebrities or family, many Christians show partiality even though it’s widely condemned in the Bible. See how.

Yes, Joe Biden’s presidency is the will of God
The Speaker of the House recently said that Joe Biden’s presidency is God’s will. That claim is shocking to a lot of Christians, but in light of multiple Biblical examples of God raising up wicked rulers, it shouldn’t be.

The differences between politics and Christianity
Many Christians are obsessed with politics, which is strange and disheartening, since politics and Christianity are such starkly different realms.

Holiness is more important to God than victory
The way some Christians talk, you’d think the highest priority for the church is defeating our political and cultural enemies. Winning. Let’s search the Scriptures to see what God’s priority is.