The tone police: How God wants us to talk and act
Some Christians don't think our tone is a big deal, or that it's too subjective to debate. But the Bible disproves both of those claims; God cares greatly about our tone, and His word has a lot to say about it.

Contentment: The most underrated Biblical virtue
Contentment isn't the most popular topic for some Christians. But it's taught by some of the most beloved Scriptures in the Bible, including where many Christians don't realize it.

How do we beat the devil? Here’s what works every time
Christians have all kinds of ideas about how to resist the devil. But in the Bible we see a simple solution that beats him every time – humility.

The Biblical case for God’s sovereignty over man’s will
Here are hundreds of examples in Scripture of God exercising control or influence of men’s will and/or actions. It’s an overwhelming case for God’s sovereign power over whatever, and whomever, He pleases.

Be careful when singing Old Testament lyrics
When Christians sing lyrics like “Ask of Me and I will give you the nations” or “Here am I, send me,” we think they’re about evangelism. But we’re actually singing Scriptures that are about God’s wrath.

Nothing on earth makes the Bible come alive
Do you cringe when you hear someone say something makes the Bible “come alive”? Like a film, location or experience? You should. Nothing can make the Bible come alive, because it’s already alive.

Can a true prophet give a wrong prophecy? A look at Agabus
Some in the charismatic movement try to legitimize prophecies that don't come true by claiming that New Testament prophet Agabus got one wrong. But a closer examination shows they can't run to him for cover.

Why the story of Jonah is ridiculous (it’s not the fish)
The story of Jonah is one of the most difficult stories in the Bible to believe. But it’s not because he lived inside a fish for three days.

How Bethel’s bonkers book butchers the Bible
The authors of Bethel-based “The Physics of Heaven” interpret Scripture in a way that is, frankly, beyond ridiculous. It’s insane.

That time I stood in line to hear a ‘word’ from the Lord
You don’t need to go anywhere and wait to hear God speak to you. He does that through the Bible, and that’s the more sure word anyway.

Is healing ‘the children’s bread’? No
One of the proof-texts cited by those who claim that God wants all Christians physically healed now is the "children's bread" passage about Jesus and the Syro-Phoenician woman. But an examination of that story shows it doesn't mean that at all.

The real satanism
When you think of satanism, you may think of explicitly worshiping an actual devil. But when we let the devil speak for himself in the Bible, we see that true satanism not about worshiping him, but ourselves.