Christian, you are a gift from the Father to the Son
One of the most wonderful truths of the Bible is that Christian believers are a gift from God the Father to Jesus, who treasures that gift so much that He keeps it for all eternity. Read about this astounding love in John 6.

You don’t need to work for any of God’s free blessings
What do you need to do to receive blessings from God, such as healing or a financial breakthrough? Nothing! Everything God does for us in this life is just as free as salvation. See where the Bible teaches that.

Why Jesus went to the cross, according to the Bible
People give various reasons for why Jesus died on the cross, reflecting many different theologies and worldviews. But the Bible tells us many times over why He was crucified.

Do we come to Jesus as we are, or do we repent? Yes
It’s true that we can’t clean ourselves up before we come to Jesus, but some say salvation necessitates no change at all. A look at what repentance means.

Yes, Christians should judge
The Bible doesn’t teach us to never judge; it teaches us how to judge. Here is how we can do so truthfully and lovingly, and warn those we are concerned about.

Jesus did everything He did as God, or else He doesn’t save
Some charismatics claim Jesus lived his life as a man in right relationship with God, not AS God. Not only does the Bible refute this idea, but it shows that such a Jesus cannot save us.

Christ will lose nothing: The eternal security of the Christian
A comprehensive, overwhelming, Bible-saturated case for the impossibility of a born-again Christian losing salvation.