‘Christian’ is a noun, not an adjective. Why that matters
The word Christian is often used today as a modifier, as in Christian music or Christian nation. But since the Bible doesn’t use the word that way, we can get into murky territory when trying to define those things.

When God’s people wanted a strongman to fight for them
There was a time when God’s people wanted a strongman to fight for them, and for their country to be great like the other nations of the world. God was not pleased with their desire for power.

America cannot be ‘the nation whose God is the Lord’
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” is a Bible verse frequently applied to America, but you only need to look at the second half of Psalm 33:12 to see that it can’t be about that.

Winning in the Bible: God defines it differently than us
Some Christians use the word "winning" a lot, often in a political or cultural context. But in the Bible, victory often doesn't look like what we think it does.

Why do we want another David? He was a failure
Some Christians defend a certain politician by saying “King David was a sinner, too!” But David's sins had disastrous consequences not just for him, but for his nation. We shouldn't want another David, and we don't need another David.