Jeroboam: The popular but evil leader raised up by God
Here’s the story of a national leader, chosen by God and the people, who liberated them from an oppressive tyrant and gave them freedom to worship. But the Bible casts Jeroboam as the most evil king Israel ever had.

When God’s people wanted a strongman to fight for them
There was a time when God’s people wanted a strongman to fight for them, and for their country to be great like the other nations of the world. God was not pleased with their desire for power.

The Biblical case for God’s sovereignty over man’s will
Here are hundreds of examples in Scripture of God exercising control or influence of men’s will and/or actions. It’s an overwhelming case for God’s sovereign power over whatever, and whomever, He pleases.

The absolute, universal, inevitable corruption of power
The axiom "power corrupts" has been fulfilled throughout Scripture and history, even in God’s people. Why, then, do Christians still crave the world's power, when we have an infinitely and eternally superior power working through us?