‘Salt and light’ is about holiness, not preservation
Some Christians interpret Jesus’ teaching on salt and light in Matthew 5 to mean preserving traditional values in society. But His own words show that He’s actually talking about His followers’ holiness.

The church’s biggest threats are on the inside
Most Christians put up their defenses against attacks and persecution from enemies in the world, but overwhelmingly, the Lord tells us in His word to be more on guard against corruption from within.

What we can learn from the Philistines capturing the ark
The Israelites lost the ark to the Philistines in 1 Samuel 4 after they went beyond God’s word, had no regard for holiness, limited God’s presence to a certain location, and decreed and declared. Any of that sound familiar today?

Holiness is more important to God than victory
The way some Christians talk, you’d think the highest priority for the church is defeating our political and cultural enemies. Winning. Let’s search the Scriptures to see what God’s priority is.

Yes, Christians should judge
The Bible doesn’t teach us to never judge; it teaches us how to judge. Here is how we can do so truthfully and lovingly, and warn those we are concerned about.