Christian, you are a gift from the Father to the Son
One of the most wonderful truths of the Bible is that Christian believers are a gift from God the Father to Jesus, who treasures that gift so much that He keeps it for all eternity. Read about this astounding love in John 6.

Yes, God is in control – of everything. Here’s how
If God is all-loving, how can He be all-powerful? Some try to answer that by saying God is not in control. Is that true? It depends on what you mean by control. Here’s what the Bible says.

When you pray, don’t claim, decree or declare; just ask
Some Christians believe that when we want something, we can “claim,” “declare” or “decree” our desired outcomes. But overwhelmingly, the Bible teaches us to ask God like children ask their father.

Fear. Hell. Hate. Division. The hard sayings of Jesus
In a four-chapter stretch in Luke, Jesus says several things that would shock the “winsome” sensibilities of those who think Christians should try not to offend anyone in order to attract as many people as possible. Was He being unwise, religious and divisive?

The Biblical case for God’s sovereignty over man’s will
Here are hundreds of examples in Scripture of God exercising control or influence of men’s will and/or actions. It’s an overwhelming case for God’s sovereign power over whatever, and whomever, He pleases.

America cannot be ‘the nation whose God is the Lord’
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” is a Bible verse frequently applied to America, but you only need to look at the second half of Psalm 33:12 to see that it can’t be about that.

Questioning and doubting: What God can ‘handle’
Is it OK to question and doubt God, as some skeptics and progressives claim? Two consecutive Bible stories show us the difference between a question and doubt, and what God thinks of them.

God still does miracles: An incredible story of survival
An amazing story of survival after falling down a steep, rocky cliff. There’s no other way to explain it but an act of God.

Why do we want another David? He was a failure
Some Christians defend a certain politician by saying “King David was a sinner, too!” But David's sins had disastrous consequences not just for him, but for his nation. We shouldn't want another David, and we don't need another David.

God blessing us shows how worthy He is, not us
Whether it’s about Mary or ourselves, many Christians think being blessed means we should exalt the blessed person. But that’s the opposite of what Mary said in response to her blessing.

Fire in the Bible: Not what we think it means
How often have you heard the word "fire" in church and Christian culture? The way the charismatic movement uses that word is almost the opposite of how the Bible uses it.

Jesus did everything He did as God, or else He doesn’t save
Some charismatics claim Jesus lived his life as a man in right relationship with God, not AS God. Not only does the Bible refute this idea, but it shows that such a Jesus cannot save us.

Fire! Glory! And God killing His anointed ones
Here’s a Biblical story of God manifesting His fire and glory on His anointed ones during a time of worship. It’s not like how we use those words today.

The weak, helpless, puny god of Bethel’s ‘Physics of Heaven’
The New Age movement has stolen God’s creative power, and we need to take it back. So says “The Physics of Heaven.” Who would worship such a weak, pitiful god?

Bethel points Christians to New Age in ‘Physics of Heaven’
Bethel’s book says the New Age movement has stolen God’s power, and Christians need to take it back by doing what New Agers do.

That time I stood in line to hear a ‘word’ from the Lord
You don’t need to go anywhere and wait to hear God speak to you. He does that through the Bible, and that’s the more sure word anyway.

What Jehovah Jireh really means
If you’ve heard the phrase Jehovah Jireh, chances are it was in the context of God providing material things for us. But the only place in the Bible that name is mentioned reveals it’s about a far greater provision.