How Christ’s birth gets around God’s curse
A Christmas conundrum: How can Jesus be the promised Seed of David and Heir of his kingdom when God permanently cut off David’s royal line at Jeconiah? The Lord’s creative and wonderful solution: the virgin birth.

How ‘Peace on earth’ distorts the meaning of Christmas
The ubiquitous Christmas phrase “Peace on earth” may be derived from Scripture, but it’s a difference in wording that’s significant enough to obscure the good tidings of great joy that the angels proclaimed the night Jesus was born.

Why most nativity scenes and movies are probably wrong
Was it really an “inn”? This may be nitpicking, but a study of the Scriptures shows that the birth of Christ might not have happened the way it’s depicted in most traditions, nativity sets, plays, and movies.

Why I changed my mind and celebrate Christmas
Some Christians say we shouldn’t celebrate Christmas because its origins and traditions are pagan. I used to think that way, but not anymore; here’s what changed my mind.